Will there be a Direct category in the future?
There aren’t many brands that don’t seek to engage a targeted audience anymore.
That’s why this category gets bigger and better every year. And when it’s full of work that seeks to make brands truly matter to their customers and customers matter to brands, it’s one of the most exciting categories to judge.
There are a couple of pieces this year that, granted, could have been in this book a few years ago. But smart thinking that’s lovingly crafted should always be lauded. The pieces that really stand out, however, are the ones that use social to turn one-to-one into one-to-millions.
‘McWhopper’ is a wonderful idea that invited and engaged individuals to unite into a movement. Yes, it’s PR, yes it’s advertising, yes it’s social and yes it belongs here too.
‘Manboobs’ also stood out. At last, a worthy cause using humour instead of the sad piano accompaniment.
But the Crème de la Crème goes to an idea that could not be more direct. A response mechanism becomes the idea that galvanises individuals to sell a country to the world. Wonderful work.
Congratulations to the winners, again we show the world that together we are unstoppable. And a big thank you to Lauren Pleydell-Pearce, from Wunderman UK, for her invaluable help.
See awarded work
There aren’t many brands that don’t seek to engage a targeted audience anymore.
That’s why this category gets bigger and better every year. And when it’s full of work that seeks to make brands truly matter to their customers and customers matter to brands, it’s one of the most exciting categories to judge.
There are a couple of pieces this year that, granted, could have been in this book a few years ago. But smart thinking that’s lovingly crafted should always be lauded. The pieces that really stand out, however, are the ones that use social to turn one-to-one into one-to-millions.
‘McWhopper’ is a wonderful idea that invited and engaged individuals to unite into a movement. Yes, it’s PR, yes it’s advertising, yes it’s social and yes it belongs here too.
‘Manboobs’ also stood out. At last, a worthy cause using humour instead of the sad piano accompaniment.
But the Crème de la Crème goes to an idea that could not be more direct. A response mechanism becomes the idea that galvanises individuals to sell a country to the world. Wonderful work.
Congratulations to the winners, again we show the world that together we are unstoppable. And a big thank you to Lauren Pleydell-Pearce, from Wunderman UK, for her invaluable help.