Over the past several years, the enormous shift in how the world consumes content has led to exponential growth in the demand for highly imaginative, integrated work across all marketing channels. The PR industry is now at the forefront of the communications revolution and the 2016 WPPED Cream PR entries clearly show why. This year’s work includes an extraordinary array of integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaigns in every sub-category (B2B, Consumer Marketing, Corporate & Public Affairs and Digital & Social Media). These campaigns triumph by leveraging innovative and insightful ideas across the entire PESO model, delivering remarkable results for some of the biggest brands in the world.
I’m proud to announce that the 2016 PR Crème de la Crème award once again goes to Cohn & Wolfe. Our team in Sweden, along with INGO, created a truly breakthrough campaign around a simple idea – a phone number – and elevated it to such great heights that Sweden’s Prime Minister participated! “The Swedish Number” – created on behalf of the Swedish Tourist Association – signed Sweden up for its very own phone number (a global first), allowing people from around the world to call in and connect with “a random Swede.” The Swedish Number received nearly 190,000 calls from 186 (out of the total 195) countries and was also the talk of Cannes this year, taking home 13 Cannes Lions – including a Titanium Lion.
On behalf of my fellow judges Don Baer of Burson-Marsteller, Stuart Smith of Ogilvy PR and Simon Shaw of Hill+Knowlton Strategies, congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to all who entered. The breadth of outstanding work this year is inspiring – and I encourage everyone to take a look at the selected campaigns.
See awarded work
I’m proud to announce that the 2016 PR Crème de la Crème award once again goes to Cohn & Wolfe. Our team in Sweden, along with INGO, created a truly breakthrough campaign around a simple idea – a phone number – and elevated it to such great heights that Sweden’s Prime Minister participated! “The Swedish Number” – created on behalf of the Swedish Tourist Association – signed Sweden up for its very own phone number (a global first), allowing people from around the world to call in and connect with “a random Swede.” The Swedish Number received nearly 190,000 calls from 186 (out of the total 195) countries and was also the talk of Cannes this year, taking home 13 Cannes Lions – including a Titanium Lion.
On behalf of my fellow judges Don Baer of Burson-Marsteller, Stuart Smith of Ogilvy PR and Simon Shaw of Hill+Knowlton Strategies, congratulations to all of our winners and thank you to all who entered. The breadth of outstanding work this year is inspiring – and I encourage everyone to take a look at the selected campaigns.