Land Rover's problem was that the automotive market is over-targeted and drivers are increasingly advertising averse. Consumers have more power than ever to consume media on their own terms and at their convenience.
We wanted to engage with our audience and proactively encourage them to come to us. Our innovative strategy was to create, a broadbandbased TV station devoted to the theme of "going beyond personal boundaries". This was not a TV station just about cars but about an adventurous lifestyle. We would build affinity between consumers who love adventure and the Land Rover brand. In other words, let consumers experience a lifestyle in tune with the brand.
We created six unique channels with originated and acquired content to explore the "going beyond" concept. To some, it can mean off-roading in Africa. To others, it means trying exotic cuisine. All definitions were covered. From interviews with celebrities about what "going beyond" means to them, to chasing a solar eclipse across a desert, films on Land Rover design and driving on ice, etc. Land Rover Go Beyond TV inspires the consumer to indulge their adventurous spirit.
Launched with a live broadcast from the New York Auto Show in April 2006 . It now runs in dealerships and Experience centres, contains downloadable and streaming content (via iTunes, etc) of interest to all 'adventurous spirits' - content is not of exclusive interest to Land Rover owners. Completely VOD viewers watch only what they want to, including a dedicated channel of LR content. We also act like a 'real' TV station, conducting live broadcasts, and a viral mechanism allows viewers to forward the URL, thus boosting viewing figures.
- With no ATL support: Thousands of viewers in 100+ countries have watched Go Beyond TV
- The average viewer dwell time is currently 63 minutes!
- The New York Motor Show launch, on April 12th, generated over 20 positive pieces of high-profile media coverage with an estimated value of over £100,000
- Short listed at the M&M Awards 2006 and Cannes 2007
MindShare Worldwide: Edward Fall, Martin Gibbins
MindShare Performance: Mark Campbell
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