"Football is losing it's soul". Professional players are more concerned with their haircuts than cutting a defence in half. Nike needs to defend the spirit of the game, the soul of football.
Start a movement behind Joga Bonito (beautiful football) leveraging Nike's athletes to promote the games' core values and inspire young players (Football Crazy Kids, FCK's) to consider the way they play.
- Nov/Dec - Ronaldinho "Crossbar" released virally. Distribution of "Ginga" (the soul of Brazilian football) a 50 min film used in many formats and platforms including TV, Cinema, on-line, mobile and PSP.
- Jan - Media Partnerships (e.g Sky, DSF, 442 etc.) to fan the debate on cheating, cynical football.
- Feb - Global launch of Cantona manifesto spot on TV, on-line and mobile asking FCKS to consider the way they play football and to indicate an alternative. Google launched to develop web communities. All content was played on Joga TV, Nike's online TV channel.
- Mar/Apr/May - Heart, honour, skill, pride, team values spots, "In search of the beautiful game" short films all distributed through media partnerships, on-line and through PSP. Joga3 recruitment starts and 3 on 3 events take place everywhere. Media partners broadcast finals. Joga bus travels to FCK hot spots.
- June - 3 on 3 winners play grand final in Rio. "The Chain" viral is launched, Rooney poster creates a storm.
Business objectives exceeded, massive coverage of content, 1.5m+ played 3 on 3 at a Nike event, 1m+ signed up to, 50k "chain" uploads.
Dominic Fawcett, Anna Campbell, Ilana Abrahams-Nolte, Mark Webster
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