With the task of showcasing as China's premier musicsharing website and building the perception that "Motorola = music", we knew radio was the way to go because statistics told us that youngsters are 150% ore likely to use that medium. Our challenge was that young listeners explore radio to learn about hot music downloads but flip channels as soon as an ad starts. At the same time, we knew online ads were not an option because 20,000 music-sharing sites would shun our advertising.
Music lovers in the 20-30 age range rely on trusted radio shows to hear about hot downloads, so our plan was to compel popular DJs to tip MotoMusic by creating a sensation over an exclusive release from Taiwan megastar Jay Chou. As competitors were only light users of radio, our idea was to commandeer this "greenfield" medium to highlight MotoMusic as the only delivery channel for the latest sounds from one of Asia's top pop idols.
Believing the key to success to be exclusivity, we persuaded Jay Chou to write a MotoMusic-specific showstopper that could be downloaded to Motorola's Razr mobile handset. We then generated demand for the release by recruiting influential DJs to spread the word on air and via their hugely-popular bulletin boards, which also carried our MotoMusic ads.
The campaign sparked a chain reaction of endorsement that drew a phenomenal 250 million Chinese pop fans to the site. Registrations soared 220%, downloads increased 254% and MotoMusic page-views rocketed 400%. In fact, page-views in December 2006 stood at more than 30 million, from 1 million in January. The Razr handset enjoyed a 73% boost in sales and MotoMusic became Asia's No.1 music download site among competitors that included the mighty Apple!
Julian Newby, Aaron Tsoi, Lisa Lilifang, Megan Zhang, Jocelyn Zhang
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