
360 Campaigns Jury Chairman
John O'Keeffe | Worldwide Creative Director: WPP
Big ideas, it's said, know no boundaries. Time was when that simply meant geographic - so HSBC is a great example of a consistent brand expression the world over. But, of course, these days it means crossing media as well as borders, and the 360 category shows that to great eff ect. Everything I wrote for the advertising section, in terms of the difficulties posed by these straightened economic times, applies even more to 360. Persuading our clients to really exploit an idea for all it's worth, is made all the more diffi cult when budgets are tight.
Unlike the advertising category, where points are compiled from various award shows, the '360s' were judged by the great and the good of WPP's creative talent. And that makes for a pretty formidable jury.
It was a close run thing. Runner-up 'Obamccain' from Grey New York, crystallised the core of the debate as only a stunningly simple idea can. The Times of India and JWT Mumbai continued their winning ways from last year with 'Teach India'. 'Unbreakable Kiss' from JWT New York created magic, and we can ask no more than that. But, in a hat-trick for JWT, London takes the Crème de la Crème for its brilliantly original Aero 'Feel The Bubbles' campaign, which, for added poignancy, features a Michael Jackson soundtrack.
Huge congratulations to them all.
