
Direct Jury Chairman
Nick Moore | Chief Creative Officer: Wunderman, New York
It's not easy to follow a hit.
In 2008, JWT Mumbai's 'Lead India' campaign not only won the WPPED Cream Direct category, but also took the 360 Crème de la Crème, and the Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions Direct.
By contrast, in 2009, WPP agencies have created Direct campaigns that are, well, good. This was reflected in the fact that WPP as a whole only picked up one Cannes Lions Direct this year.
This seems perverse. WPP has some of the strongest Direct agency brands in the world. And in times of economic stress, the accountability of Direct should surely make it a focus for clients and agencies alike. Perhaps the focus has been applied disproportionately to familiar creative routes at the expense of new ideas? If so, the trend may be understandable in the short term, but is unsustainable in the long run.
Nonetheless, ten fine pieces of Direct work are on display over the next few pages. They are a diverse group in terms of the agencies they represent, the countries they originate from, and the tasks they achieve. Yet each one is imaginative, innovative and effective.
The Crème de la Crème is awarded to an idea that brilliantly harnesses one of the world's most popular franchises. The campaign is executed with a level of wit and charm that is seen all too rarely. It is truly engaging. And it worked. As my fellow judge remarked: 'Bastards! I wish I'd done that.'
Which reminds me. I would like to thank Jon Williams, Chief Creative Officer at G2, London, for his time and hard work in helping to select the winners from our largest ever list of entries. I would also like to thank Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of OgilvyOne, London, for his assistance. And I would like to thank my assistant, Leah Shesky, for flawless administration of the Direct category.
