
Information, Insight & Consultancy

TNS Indonesia


Sticker Diary

A breathtakingly simple idea.
Like many companies in Indonesia, Unilever is
becoming more and more involved in so-called
'Social Mission Projects'. These programmes
are usually aimed at the poor and illiterate, with
the aim of changing a community's behaviour
for the better.  
In Unilever's case, its oral care initiative encouraged children to brush their teeth at night. After three years of substantial investment, however, there was no way of measuring the campaign's efficacy. Enter TNS, who created a simple (but incredibly effective) research tool: the sticker diary. Cost-effective and easy-to-use, these pictorial wall-calendars also overcame issues around illiteracy.

Mothers and children were encouraged to record their daily activities together, for one week. (Any bias was excluded by making 'brushing' just one of many options.) The results were enlightening, pointing out discrepancies between claimed and actual behaviour. Impressively, the diary concept was also adopted as best practice by Unilever, and expanded into Saudi Arabia and Morocco.