Research data is rich coming from this company.
A major search portal approached Boston-based
Compete with two simple enough questions:
1) Who are our consumers? and 2) How are they
using our product? The research solution was
anything but simple, however, and required
a behavioural data tool called clickstream.
Clickstream pre-identified consumers, and invited them to participate in an interactive online survey. Respondents then had to perform several search tasks, with over 300,000 of these assignments eventually recorded.
Rich data was acquired across user segments (loyal or multi-portal users, serious searchers, etc.), and search categories (health, sports, etc.). Satisfaction was measured at the same time. The survey also unearthed an unexpected bonus. Compete could now track changing consumer attitudes, in terms of their preferred search engine.
The client received the results enthusiastically, employing them to plan product refinements and drive user behaviour. They were also able to effectively position themselves in relation to potential competitors. Simple when you know how.