What does a marketer do when its target audience 'grows up', and starts pursuing activities that aren't entirely in sync with the brand's credentials? For Heineken, the solution was to ambush its Italian male drinkers, in a comprehensive campaign that surprised, inspired, and entertained.
A series of television commercials began by posing the question, Are you still with us? The theme then continued - guerrilla style - across other media. In DVD rental outlets, 'chick-flicks' were Heineken branded. Soppy movie trailers were also interrupted with the same refrain: Are you still with us?
Men began answering the call, with a web application maintaining momentum.
The campaign culminated with 'Auditorium', a cunning activation that saw around 1000 people invited to an apparent classical concert. Girlfriends, wives and journalists secretly conspired to cajole many redblooded men into the venue on the same night as an important football match. After 15 minutes of music, however, the 'scam' was revealed - and our guys were allowed to watch the kick-off on a big screen.
Millions saw the stunt on TV, and millions more joined in the online discussion. The PR buzz was incredible - Heineken not only reconnected with old friends, but made some new ones too.
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