Long-term online relationships.
Terabytes have been written about the
efficacy of online banner advertising,
measured by click-through rates.
But could this be too simplistic a
picture? Millward Brown in China
embarked on a pioneering study
to find out more.
Their results reveal a fascinating insight: display advertising increases the search probability for both the category and the brand for days beyond the original exposure. In some cases, by as much as 249%.
Nearly 15,000 individuals were studied over 183 days, and some 10 brands were analysed. Literally millions of exposures and millions of searches were collated, via an innovative data mining method. This was truly big thinking.
The project was designed in association with some heavy hitters. Michigan State University and Tsinghua University in China were highly involved. The concept was also a worthy winner at the Google and WPP Marketing Research Awards Program.
For clients, this means reassessing their attitude towards banner advertising. There's life beyond the quick click.