Sites & Section Research

And now the good news.
The Guardian News & Media was
suffering from a long-term decline in
sales, as were many companies in the
industry. The obvious solution (and
perhaps, conundrum) was to cut
costs while maintaining a quality product.
But, to start this process, GNM needed an in-depth understanding of reader behaviour. Kantar Media looked at the company's print and online offerings, including some 28 websites - as well as all the sections in the Guardian and Observer newspapers.

In terms of the websites, it was vital that any analysis had to be based on actual rather than claimed usage. (Tracking data alone could not provide the full picture.)

An innovative cookie-driven solution was developed, linking 8,500 survey responses to corresponding analytical data. As a result, an accurate, holistic picture began to emerge of how content was consumed, and by whom.

The 'valuable and groundbreaking' solution helped GNM identify savings without sacrificing quality editorial. Advertisers were also impressed with the flexibility of the company's portfolio. Read all about it!