Design & Branding Jury Chairman
Tim Greenhalgh
Chief Creative Officer: Fitch

Being the chairman of the jury for the Design & Branding category this year was both a pleasure and an eye opener for three good reasons:
The quality of the work - the majority of the work this year was outstanding making you stop, look hard and then want to look again. Having been involved in these awards since their creation three years ago it is clear that the bar is continually rising as we all compete against each other for recognition. Long live the fierce but healthy competition that is the WPPED Cream awards.
The source of the work - this year saw the largest number of entries in this category from all over the WPP network. As such the judges were continually confronted with visually rich ideas and images from a wide variety of studios making this one of the most challenging and dynamic categories to be a part of.
The experience of the judges - I want to thank Peter Knapp (Landor), Greg Quinton (The Partners), Glenn Tutsell (The Brand Union), Stephen Bell (Coley Porter Bell), Eugene Bay (VBAT), Howard Smiedt (OgilvyAction), David Villiers (G2), Peter Chodel (Addison), Sophie Lutman (Lambie-Nairn) and Stuart Wood (Fitch) - some of the most experienced, knowledgeable and astute creative minds you could ever want to spend time with, and they are much of the reason I believe it is important to get together every year to judge these awards as it is always worthwhile having your ears and eyes opened by the insight of others.
Finally, well done to JWT for their work with The Times of India, the category's Crème de la Crème - ambitious, memorable, beautifully crafted and, I feel, a true eye opener.