Digital Jury Chairman
Lee Feldman
Chief Creative Officer: Blast Radius Europe

The following work represents an evolution in digital creative excellence. We are now in the era of real time brands - using bought, owned and social media to engage consumers and inspire them to co-create. Furthermore, with the advent of data driven apps, geo-aware devices, and embedded smart objects, we have the tools to invent more interesting and useful branded services.
This evolution is reflected in the categories and exemplified by the work on display. Some categories have no clear winners. There is room for further innovation and opportunity for agencies in the WPP network to lead the world. Let this be a guide, a challenge and a call to action.
With all of the above in mind, and quite ironically, our choice for Crème de la Crème is not a grand multifaceted ecosystem story. It is a simple, original idea.
It is our hope that, through this process of defining what digital creative excellence means, promoting categories to encourage new types of entries, while still recognizing and rewarding original ideas, we can provoke a conversation and up the game in digital across WPP.