WWF's annual, global, Earth Hour campaign asks households and businesses to turn off lights to raise awareness of climate change.
While planning the 2009 event, the WWF saw an opportunity to target 1,500 businesses in an unusual way. They recognized that most offices have pot plants - which absorb CO2, the main source of greenhouse gases.
This realization led to the creation of 5,000 paper 'Plant Spikes' to go in pots. Each was emblazoned with the line "I help your environment, please help mine - do your bit to reduce your business' impact on the environment."
Beyond this line, the copy was printed in a specially-created ink containing fertilizer that fed the plant as the paper biodegraded. And to make whole idea happen, WWF enlisted the help of TPR - a plant hire company.
So all in all, the WWF created a new medium, a new print technology and a new distribution channel.
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