Media Jury Chairman
Steve Hatch
Managing Director: MEC UK

'The future's already here it's just not that widely distributed' William Gibson.
Whilst this may be true, it's not the case for this year's media WPPED Cream. The future, in all its interesting, complicated, contradictory and inspiring ways was live, vivid and very welldistributed across the WPP companies, right the way across the globe. Across paid, owned and earned media all the entries this year made us sit up and take notice, with the very best combining all three to leave their clients happier, more profitable and their comms sharper than ever.
In particular, this year's jury of Maxus' Nick Vale, MediaCom's Matthew Mee, MEC's Ed Ling and Mindshare's Norm Johnston were impressed by the sheer innovation on display. Two winning examples from markets clearly unencumbered by established behaviour being the work for The North Face in China and Vodafone in India. Two ideas that not only showed winning ways to use new technology but also just hit us in the gut with their imagination. True also of our other winners: Wrigley's Extra and T-Mobile. One led by a crystal clear insight that it's in extra time that the pressure, the emotion and the goals ramp up, placing a journeyman sponsorship into the heart of the action. The other proving that with the right mix of the right technology and the right strategy you can achieve anything... including getting thousands of people to spontaneously dance in the middle of Liverpool Street station.
And, in our Crème de la Crème all of these themes are combined. Smart digital strategy, engagement of the audience and a fully-fledged, integrated, paid, owned and earned campaign that for all the world looks like the model of a modern media approach. Except it's more than that.
As well as having the best of the new, Mindshare Turkey's campaign for Kimberly-Clark's Kotex brand takes the best of the old in creating a compelling character, taking the audience on a journey and telling a story that spoke directly to their audience of young girls.
And as right as William Gibson is, so is Terry Pratchett when he said 'People think they shape stories but often it's the other way round.' Bravo Mindshare Turkey, bravo Kimberly-Clark and bravo Kotex. A winning combination of the best of the old and the new.