Horsens is a small, unremarkable city in Denmark. As such, it was struggling to get people to move there. What it needed was some 'out of the box' thinking.
Recognising that small town marketing can often be dull, MEC Denmark decided to present Horsens as somewhere that doesn't take itself too seriously. To make the point, their website had an offer: 'Move to Horsens and get a square named after you - complete with your portrait laid in cobblestones.' It went further. An aerial film of Horsens, using advanced 3D tracking techniques, enabled people to see what a square with their portrait would actually look like. The campaign kicked off with a lengthy TV news report, which explained how the city's squares would soon feature portraits of new citizens.
While the whole story was a gigantic wind-up, it had real impact. The website received over 50,000 visitors (that's more people than actually populate the city). Plus there was a 200% increase in mentions on blogs.
If Horsens can create that much interest, surely it must be worth living in...
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