A year ago, Gillette sparked a debate with 'India Votes: to Shave or Not. It helped men realise the importance of being clean shaven. One year on, and men still recognised that importance - but were only putting it into practice on special occasions such as weddings. What was needed was a new approach, which persuaded men to ditch their scruffy look.
Thus a new movement was born - Women Against Lazy Stubble. It started with famous women stating emphatically that they preferred clean shaven men. It was followed by the release of research, which showed 90% of women wouldn t fancy you - if you weren t clean shaven. In turn, this was picked up by the news and kick started discussions on social media, television, print and radio.
Then, Gillette initiated a competition to find the most clean shaven town. The Times of India ran a daily shaving poll. And at a 'Shavethon' 2,000 men turned up for a Gillette Mach3 shave, earning a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
By the end of the campaign, many new records had been set. Mach 3 sales were up five times. And Gillette's overall share of the razor market reached 58.1%.
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