Public Relations Jury Chairman
Marcia Silverman
Chair: Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

The competition has grown tremendously as we enter the fourth year of the WPPED Cream awards. The entries, which came in from all over the world, were of the highest calibre of work. This year we had an astounding 28 submissions for consideration from more than ten different agencies in the Public Relations/Public Affairs categories of: business-to-business, consumer marketing, and corporate & public affairs.
Joining me this year in judging were Howard Paster, Executive Vice President of Public Relations & Public Affairs - WPP, Marilyn Laurie, and Bill Nielsen, both retired Heads of Communications from AT&T and Johnson & Johnson. As judges, we all unanimously agreed that this was no easy task; the work submitted this year was exceptional and we were all thankful to have such a challenge.
After careful consideration, I'm happy to announce that the PR Crème de la Crème winner for 2010 has been awarded to Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Howorth out of Sydney, Australia. Their superior efforts for the Telstra Corporation allowed their client to have a marked increase in sales while outperforming competitors. We all agreed that their efforts to innovate their clients reputation and business-to-business offerings merited this highest of distinctions.
At this time of recognition, I want to take a moment to pause and reflect on the recent passing of our dear friend and colleague Marilyn Laurie. Marilyn was the retired Head of Communications for AT&T and has been an integral part of the WPPED Cream awards. She was the past president of both the Arthur W. Page Society and the PR Seminar. Marilyn won numerous awards, including The Women in Communications Matrix Award and the recognition of "New York's 75 Most Influential Women" (Crain's). Her professionalism, intelligence, and genuine good nature will be missed.