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About us

Through our companies, WPP offers a comprehensive and, when appropriate, integrated range of communications services

WPP Sustainability Report 2016-2017WPP Sustainability Report 2016/2017

Collected through an annual internal survey of all our businesses, WPP's annual Sustainability Report looks at the impact of our work, employment and social investment, and details the Group's performance over the past year.

In this section

WPP at a glance
Key Group statistics, rankings, recognition, awards

Who we are
An introduction to WPP: our mission, leadership and history

What we do
The family of companies that individually and collectively make our clients famous

How we behave
Corporate governance and corporate responsibility information on how we behave as a company and do business

How we buy

Where we are
Locations and contacts for all our companies around the world.

Frequently asked questions
Some often-asked queries about WPP

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