For the second year running, WPP's illustrious cadre of Branding and Design creative directors came together to judge WPPED CREAM. Peter Knapp (Landor), Gregg Quinton (The Partners ), Adrian Burton (Lambie Nairn), Glen Tutsell (Brand Union), Stephen Bell (Coley Porter Bell), Tim Greenhalgh (Fitch), Howard Smiedt (Ogilvy), and David Villiers (G2), met first in May to firm up on our criteria. These were: 'absolute quality, integrity, originality and engagement'.
Our categories, somewhat expanded from last year, were: Product; Broadcast Branding; Digital; Activation; Retail; Hospitality and Leisure; Exhibitions and Events; Brand identity (large); Brand Identity (small); Packaging (branded); Packaging (private label); Design and Branding integration.
Our jury received more submissions than last year, with a total of 101 entries across all the categories - and once again the standard was very high. WPP can feel justly proud of the work. So much so, that we awarded ten golds, eleven highly commended and a Crème de la Crème. One disappointment, however, was the small number of entries from WPP's major advertising networks. Good design isn't only the prerogative of a design agency. I saw some splendid agency work whilst judging the Design Lions at Cannes, so why not at WPPED CREAM?
As ever, the work submitted was varied, but notable this year was the cultural and geographic diversity. Amongst the entries were projects from, well, everywhere - and our winners included the identity for a Dutch budget airline, an Italian beer and an Indian paint shop.
This very diversity led to an interesting debate around our Crème de la Crème winner; is it a shop, an event or activation? 'Colour with Asian Paints' in Mumbai, by Fitch, is something of all these, and the jury commented on its 'fresh thinking and multi-disciplinary expression of design'. Personally, I think it's salutary that this very innovative piece of retail work should be in India.
It's over for another year. I would like to thank everyone who entered, encourage even more next year, and thank my jury for their fair-mindedness and commitment to 'absolute quality'.