JWT Costa Rica | Nelka Rent A Car | Do it with a car
A medium-sized car rental company in Costa Rica, Nelka struggled to match the huge advertising budgets of its competitors. The challenge
for the summer season was also formidable - the company wanted to rent out at least 80% of its fleet. Agency JWT suggested a new
approach: targeting the local tourist market, as opposed to the international traveller.
The blog costaricaholes.com was created. It invited people to submit their thoughts on Costa Rica's bad road conditions, as well as upload
pictures of potholes they encountered. Costaricaholes.com was promoted only through viral e-mails, but, after just 15 days online, it became
one of the most visited sites in the country. People started spending time with an empathetic brand.
And, when summer arrived, Nelka rented out every one of their cars. |