Added Value | Levi Strauss | Blog
Dustin is a freelance graphic designer living in New York. Alle loves photographing the industrial wastelands of Moscow. Yena, from Seoul,
has built a pink toilet. From scraps of information like this, Added Value researched the very essence of 'personalisation' - and helped
Levi's connect with its youth market.
A limited budget required an inspired solution: the establishment of an interactive web blog, along the lines of MySpace.
Just 24 creative young people from around the world were selected to inhabit the community. There were certain basic requirements
from these participants, but, for the most part, the site took on a wondrous life of its own.
Alberto di Conti, Levi's Director of Innovation in Europe, described the process as 'thrilling magic'.
Several new product ideas have taken shape thanks to the Added Value solution. They're top secret, of course, but keep an eye on the
shelves in Spring 2009. |
Full Report not available - Confidential |