Oral B wanted to launch a new anti-bacteria toothbrush. However, in the minds of Israeli consumers, bacteria issues were unrelated to tooth brushing. To overcome this problem, MediaCom developed a revolutionary, in-store, POS strategy that mimicked their thinking - and proved to be hugely informative.
The strategy comprised of a series of 'Did you know?' questions posted in the wrong supermarket aisles. Thus: 'Did you know? The minimal recommended distance between the toilet bowl and sink is 180 cm, to prevent bacterial micro-particles reaching your toothbrush when flushing.' was positioned alongside a display of toilet cleaners.
This 'right' advertising in the 'wrong' place proved to be incredibly effective for Oral B, as shoppers were always, ultimately, directed back to the toothbrush aisle. The same approach was equally persuasive online with 'Did you know' banners appearing on sites unrelated to tooth brushing.
As a result of their novel approach, Oral B saw a 10% increase in sales one month after the campaign, and overtook Colgate in the toothbrush category - which proves they must have been doing something 'right'.
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