In India, adults think more about looking healthy than being healthy. Add to that a rich diet and reluctance to exercise and it's easy to see why it has a huge cardiovascular disease problem. As a manufacturer of Quaker Oats - a product that's good for the heart - Pepsico wanted to shake Indian consumers out of their complacency and get them thinking healthily.
The idea that Mindshare, in partnership with Quaker's creative agency, came up with was a nationwide mission - 'Make India Heart Healthy'. Central to it was a website www.goodmorningheart.com where visitors could take the 'Quaker Heart Health Test'. In addition, it offered discounts on lipid tests, tips on healthy diets and lifestyles, and free Quaker trial packs. Television, print, radio and mobile executions all offered support, encouraging consumers to stop and spare a moment for their heart. Mobile and internet widgets also helped to keep consumers updated with heart health tips.
Since Pepsico launched the mission, over 160,000 consumers have taken the Quaker Heart Health Test; 60,000 have downloaded a mobile heart health application; and sales of Quaker Oats have increased 74%.
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