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Corporate governance

The Board is committed to high standards of corporate governance and supports the provisions and principles set out in the Combined Code on Corporate Governance.

Throughout the year ended December 31 2016, the Company has in the Directors opinion, complied with the provisions of corporate governance set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code.

Key governance documents Board committees

Audit Committee | Terms of Reference 1 (pdf)
Membership: Jacques Aigrain (chair), Sol Trujillo, Tarek Farahat

Compensation Committee | Terms of Reference2 (pdf)
Membership: Sir John Hood (chair), Jacques Aigrain, Roberto Quarta, Nicole Seligman

Nomination and Governance Committee | Terms of Reference 3 (pdf)
Membership: Ruigang Li, Hugo Shong, Sally Susman, Roberto Quarta (chair), Daniela Riccardi, Nicole Seligman

Tools Print page E-mail page

Further information

WPP Annual Report & Accounts 2017

WPP Annual Report & Accounts 2017