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2011 Latam Retail Forum

Over 250 WPP agency and client delegates attended WPP's 2011 Latam Retail Forum hosted by The Store. Held in Buenos Aires, the event attracted representatives from Puerto Rico to Chile and included both major CPG brands, (P&G, Nestle, Colgate, Coke, and Nike to name a few) and major retailers such as Walmart , Dia, Fallabella, Casas Bahia, Easy, and Supermarcados Peruanos. The positive growth in retail throughout Latin America has created an optimistic outlook. Yet, there are significant challenges facing the region. Kantar Retail and TNS shared some of the key drivers of growth as well as the shifts in family make up and consumer behaviour that need to be considered in retail strategies. Technology and innovation were key themes, particularly the growing access to smart mobile devices. Social Media developments from around the world were shared by JWT. Ogilvy Action presented a view on enhancing shopper experience through best practices, while The Futures Company shared insights into the energies that are shaping consumer aspirations within the changing landscape. A number of cases from outside the region were highlighted as best practice that can inspire new ideas.
  • The audience responds to Barry Lemon of TNS as he presents new research on the shopper behaviour (photo 1)
  • The audience responds to Barry Lemon of TNS as he presents new research on the shopper behaviour (photo 2)
  • President of Supermercados Peruanos discusses the business dynamics for grocery retailing in Peru

Click below for some of the presentations that share new findings on the Latin American Shopper and shifts taking place in the region.

The Consumer and the Recession - The Future for Retailers, Stores and Shopping Centres - 26th November, 2008

To download the presentations, click on the speaker's name: The Economy and The City View of Retailing - 17 November, 2008
To download the presentations, click on the speaker's name: To view the sessions on your computer click on the link below: The Discounters and Inside a retailer in a recession - 4th September
To download the presentations, click on the speaker's name: To view the sessions on your computer click on the link below: Sustainability in Retail - London, September 2008
To download the presentations, click on the speaker's name:

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