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About BrandZ

A diagnostic and predictive tool, BrandZ facilitates fresh ways to maximise the rate of return on brand investments.

BrandZ evaluates brand strength among category users. By asking consumers to compare brands within a specific competitive frame, BrandZ can determine market dynamics based on the way consumers shop the category.
User Base:1,000,000+
Brand Measurements:50,000+
Research Methodology:Quantitative
Frequency of Updates:Annual
Covered Countries:31 countries
(Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA)

Data with meaning - Validated against sales

BrandZ metrics are validated against actual in-market performance and give a rigorous assessment of the value of the relationship that consumers have with one brand compared to another.

This is complementary to Y&R's Brand Asset Valuator approach that looks across categories at the corporate brand level and deliberately does not measure the brand within its product category.

How BrandZ can be used
BrandZ study findings are extensively used for new business prospects and for existing clients for:
  • Brand health
  • Brand portfolio management
  • Brand positioning strategy confirmation and development
  • Brand progress and development
  • Competitor Analysis
  • 'Partner brand' potential
The study output can be tailored for key Group agencies so they have their unique look and feel to tie with their own particular services and philosophy (such as JWT 'Identifier' and 'eIQ', Ogilvy 'Loyalty Index'; MindShare '3D', etc).

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BrandZ contact

Peter Walshe
Global Account Director, Millward Brown UK Ltd