Editor's Picks
The age of authenticity
Authentic Brands
Cohn & Wolfe, 2014
What do we mean by the Age Of Authenticity? Consider the following: In a world of ‘digital everything’, there is no privacy and nowhere to bury bad news. Data leaks everywhere, from the supposedly top-secret revelations of Edward Snowden to the private mobile phone accounts of celebrities. Digital cameras capture confidential conversations, brutal wars, dangerous working conditions and embarrassing political gaffes.
The message shifts
10 Global Communication Trends in 2014
Burson-Marsteller, 2014
From Brand Journalism, to Crisis in the ‘always on’ era; Burson-Marsteller’s Jeremy Galbraith on the trends that will shape public relations and the wider communications sphere.
Also in Public Relations
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Christopher Graves, 2015
A couple of decades ago, it took big money to do a high-end parody of a corporate advertising or communications campaign. NGOs, activists, or satirists didn’t have those kind of budgets. So any parody relied on inexpensive stunts. Video cameras cost tens of thousands of dollars and a decent video editing suite could run into seven figures. But your work would remain an obscure bit of vanity publishing because apart from cable community access channels, no one would distribute it.
Kantar Media, 2015
People have been sounding the death knell for PR for far too long. If PR were dead, it would be gone. The fact is, PR is still here, day-to-day tasks may have changed but it is no less important to most businesses. PR is not dead. The future of PR is bright, and here is why.
Burson Marsteller, 2015
There’s a clear evolution taking place in our industry landscape in 2015 with five deeply interrelated elements coming to the fore, all of which represent huge opportunities in the year ahead. These are what I call The 5 C’s of Communication Trends for 2015: Connectivity, Culture, Consumer, Creativity and Crisis.
Jeremy Galbraith, Burson-Marsteller EMEA, 2014
Major trends in communication are finely balanced between the emotional and the rational, evidence-based outcomes. These are the ten top trends for 2014.
By Elaine Cameron, Burson-Marsteller, 2013
A number of innovations that have been developed as legal, technology and social media companies realise the wide-reaching implications of managing people’s digital footprints, after death.
Cohn & Wolfe, 2012
Olympic sponsors have maximised their involvement and must now decide on their legacy says Cohn & Wolfe's Rebecca Grant.
Cohn & Wolfe, 2012
Transparency is the new kid on the block when it comes to corporate issues management.