Record increase in value touches every category
Brands more necessary in complex market

David Roth
CEO, The Store WPP, EMEA & Asia and Chairman, BAV Group
Twitter: davidrothlondon
The WPP BrandZ™ Top 100 Most
Valuable Global Brands 2018 set a
record this year, increasing 21 percent,
the highest year-on-year percentage
increase in a decade and the greatest
addition of value ever - $748 billion.
The surge rippled across every
category without exception.
This stellar achievement followed
12 years of steady growth, despite
buffeting by the global economic crisis
and by ongoing - ever increasing -
disruption from e-commerce, radically
changed shopping habits, and new
technologies, including artificial
intelligence and fintech.
Although this year’s stronger global
economy influenced the value
increase, it was only one factor.
A rising tide floats all ships, but a
growing economy does not float all
brands, at least not equally. Strong
brands do better - usually much better.
The best evidence is the stock market.
Over the past 12 years, when the
S&P 500 increased 102 percent, the
BrandZ™ Strong Brand Portfolio
(brands in the Global Top 100 with
the strongest brand equity) increased
172.1 percent. That growth gap is
worth a lot of shareholder money.
And the gap is getting even wider.
Brands that are different and
innovative - themselves disruptive -
grow value faster than even the
strongest brands. Over the past
12 years, our BrandZ™ Strong and
Innovative Brands Portfolio increased
226.7 percent in value, more than
twice the rate of the S&P 500.
Here’s the key insight: Brands that
depend on the economic tide alone
may be caught in the turbulence.
Growth - even survival - depends on
being innovative and different - and
communicating those advantages in
innovative and different ways.
- Greater challenge for brands
- Invaluable brand-building intelligence
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