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BrandZ: Martin Guerrieria
Public relations: Lucy Edgar

Download the full rankings/analysis:

In the search for growth and with the largest sporting
events on the planet taking place in the region, the
worlds eyes are focusing in on Latin America.

This makes the WPP BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Latin
American Brands 2013 report, which is launched today,
such a compelling read.

Highlights include:
  • A new brand taking the number one position
  • A new country with the highest share of the region's brand value
  • For the first time Peru is included
Download the full report and watch the special online video program which amongst other features gives: background and analysis to the study; the key trends in Latin America; looks at the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics as an opportunity for brands and brand LatAm and includes interviews with WPP company experts from across the region.