David Roth
The Store WPP, EMEA & Asia
Twitter: davidrothlondon
When we first considered the key themes influencing Chinese brand building
this year, it seemed as if Alice had gone through the looking glass. The UK
had voted to leave the EU, other European political parties were considering
similar action, and the US was turning inward. But as populism reshaped
western geopolitics, the People’s Republic of China looked outward.
The unusual events underscored
how much had changed in the
six years since we launched our
annual analysis about brands and
brand building in China, with the
groundbreaking BrandZ™ Top 50
Most Valuable Chinese Brands
2011. Because groundbreaking
doesn’t last long in China, we
followed up by doubling the
number of brands analyzed
with the BrandZ™ Top 100 Most
Valuable Chinese Brands in 2014.
The question for this year
resounded: Now what? What
themes, research, and analysis
would be invaluable for brand
building after a year when China
stepped imposingly onto the
world stage; its economy both
continued to slow and transform;
the domestic media landscape
became more fragmented; and
Chinese brands increasingly
looked abroad for growth
The answer is contained in these
pages. It’s as multi-faceted as
the question, and includes new
groundbreaking research and
Emerging Brands
We identified the Top 30
Chinese Global Brand Builders.
Some are in our BrandZ™ China
Top 100, but others are among
a group of smaller brands now
making an impression in China
and abroad. Our BrandZ™
research examines how overseas
consumers view Chinese brands
and offers recommendations for
overseas brand building.
Going Global
We assessed the changing
perception of Brand China,
compared the competitive
strengths of Chinese brands with
local and global brands, and
measured the impact of merger
and acquisition activity on
awareness and consideration.
Building Brand Value
We examined the challenges of
building value in unusual times.
We investigated increasing
loyalty among millennials;
reaching young trendsetters in
the complicated landscape of
traditional and digital media;
and leveraging the impact of
e-commerce and mobile across
To this original research we added
thought leadership and insights
from our brand building experts
in 17 WPP operating companies
in China. Our companies have
been engaged in China for over
30 years. Today, 14,000 people,
including associates, work across
China in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and many other
cities and provinces. We provide
advertising; insight; branding and
identity, direct, digital, promotion
and relationship marketing; media
investment management, retail
and shopper marketing; and public
relations and public affairs. It’s all
part of our global presence with
over 3,000 offices in 112 countries.
By linking all this talent, creativity,
and wisdom, we amplify global
trends and insights that help our
clients in useful and unique ways.
We call this powerful perspective
“horizontality.” It includes our
unrivaled BrandZ™ resource
library, which we invite you to
access. Along with the BrandZ™
Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese
Brands, the library includes these
titles: BrandZ™ Top 100 Most
Valuable Global Brands; BrandZ™
Top 50 Most Valuable Indian
Brands; BrandZ™ Top 50 Most
Valuable Latin American Brands;
BrandZ™ Top 50 Most Valuable
Indonesian Brands; BrandZ™
Spotlight on Myanmar; and
BrandZ™ Spotlight on Cuba.
You’ll also find insights about the
Chinese market in these BrandZ™
reports: The Top 30 Chinese
Global Brand Builders; Unmasking
the Individual Chinese Investor;
The Power and Potential of the
Chinese Dream; The Chinese New
Year in Next Growth Cities; The
Chinese Golden Weeks in Fast
Growth Cities; and 8 Retail Trends
in China. To download these and
other BrandZ™ reports, please
visit For the
interactive BrandZ™ mobile apps
go to
The backbone of all this
intelligence remains the WPP
proprietary BrandZ™, the world’s
largest, customer-focused source
of brand equity knowledge
and insight. It is big data at its
biggest, with 4.5 billion individual
data points. Using the BrandZ™
brand valuation methodology of
Kantar Millward Brown, a WPP
company, we analyze relevant
corporate financial data and strip
away everything that doesn’t
pertain to the branded business.
Then we take a critical step that
makes BrandZ™ unique and
definitive among brand valuation
We conduct ongoing, in-depth
quantitative consumer research
with more than 170,000 consumers
annually, across more than 30
countries, to assess consumer
attitudes about, and relationships
with, over 100,000 brands. Our
database includes information
from over two million consumers.
It reveals the power of the brand
in the mind of the consumer that
creates predisposition to buy
and, most importantly, validates
a positive correlation with better
sales performance.
At WPP, we’re passionate about
using our creativity to create and
build strong, differentiated brands
that deliver lasting shareholder
value. To learn more about how to
apply our experience and expertise
to benefit your brand, please
contact any of the WPP companies
that contributed expertise to
this report. Turn to the resource
section at the end of this report
for summaries of each company
and the contact details of key
executives. Or feel free to contact
me directly.
Go to to learn more.