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Obama's speech among thousands in the crowd

This is not a trends report

Around this time of the year, a lot of agencies publish trends reports. They present emerging consumer behaviors and aspirations, and predict what might become mainstream while it's still niche. Sometimes these reports are right, other times the observations fall short.

At Bates 141, we publish ChangeBites. They are quick, digestible, points of view on neck-snapping changes taking place. We use these changes as nuggets of inspiration for finding brand ChangePoint opportunities; radical new ways to engage with consumers.

This year we have included ChangeWords that capture the language of the reported shifts. These complement our Change A-Z Dictionary published every year.

Download the report (pdf)
For more information, please contact:

Desiree Lim
Corporate Communications


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Desiree Lim
Corporate Communications

Bates 141 Singapore
Download the report (pdf)