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The Power and the Glory:

Global Indians are new age karma yogis at the altar of fame and money, says JWT study

The Power and the Glory - Yoga illustration

A first-of-its-kind study of the global Indian through a uniquely Indian proprietary tool, Brand ChakrasTM, by JWT India, reveals the centrality of "work is worship" and identifies hot Chakra Payoffs that brands across categories can use.

The insight mining exercise was done among men and women between 25 and 45 years of age, in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, who are frequently interacting with the world. They included people who have returned to India after stints abroad, as well as Indians currently living abroad. The study also draws from media monitoring and blogging.

Brand ChakrasTM is the first Indian strategic planning tool that applies the 2000 year old chakra system as laid out by Patanjali, to consumers and brands. This original system of understanding human behaviour based on the seven major nerve/energy centers in the human body has never been used in marketing, and is an initiative of Strategic Planning at JWT India.

Looking at Indians through the seven chakras that drive and determine all human behaviour, the report - titled The Power and the Glory - reveals that the global Indian today is largely driven by:

  • Manipura: the drive for power (solar plexus);
  • Vishuddha: the voice of creative expression - in search of truth and higher creativity (throat);
  • Ajna: desire for transcendence - active intelligence (third eye).

Download the rest of the report (pdf)

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