Mobile Marketing: Making A Good Connection - Millward Brown examines how marketers can harness mobile marketing to drive growth for their brands
Though the practice of mobile marketing is still in its infancy, the budding channel carries outsized expectations. But the ability to reach people anytime, anywhere, must be weighed carefully against the potential for irritating people and damaging brand relationships. How can marketers harness the power of this nascent medium to drive growth for their brands?
According to The Shosteck Group, the value of the global mobile
advertising market could reach $10 billion by 2010. While this claim is
strongly reminiscent of the overblown estimates made by the Internet
advertising start-ups in 1999, advertisers don’t want to take a chance on
missing the boat. Amidst the hype, major marketers are beginning to
commit serious budgets to mobile marketing. While telecommunications
companies led the way, pharmaceutical, fast food, automotive and consumer
packaged goods companies are now climbing on board. They are
all attracted by the promise of combining pinpoint targeting (of people,
time and location) with the ability to extend a tangible brand encounter
into a digital and interactive one.
Mobile marketing, interpreted most broadly, could describe any approach
to communicating with consumers while they're on the move: all manner
of electronic devices (MP3 players, PDAs, etc.), as well as more traditional
media such as outdoor advertising. However, at present, the most
ubiquitous outlet for mobile marketing is the mobile phone, with over 2
billion subscribers worldwide.
With penetration among young and old, rich and poor, the universe of
mobile phone subscribers seems ripe for mass media applications. But
techniques which succeed on television or the Internet can’t simply be
transferred to the phone. On both the “first” and “second” screens,
advertising grew up alongside the genre. However, advertising has come
to the “third screen” at a point when it is already mature, both as a communication
medium, and as an integral and personal part of people’s
lives. Advertisers must tread carefully, taking into account the unique
status of the mobile phone, to avoid alienating consumers and provoking
a backlash.
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