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Compensation & ownership

Competitive, performance-related salaries and a culture of employee share ownership help to attract and retain the most talented and effective people.

Share ownership
WPP encourages a culture of employee share ownership through equity-based incentive arrangements.

Our Worldwide Ownership Plan, introduced in 1997, has granted share options to approximately 72,000 of our people.

Performance-based incentives
Some of our more senior employees are eligible for incentives based on their performance against annual or multi-year goals for the operations they lead.

Incentive compensation for our senior people is paid in the form of WPP stock. For many years, the participants in WPP Leaders programs have had personal ownership goals, with participants acquiring and holding additional shares annually to remain in the plan.

Competitive salaries
We aim to pay basic salaries at the median for the sector and position, and regularly benchmark compensation against others in our sector.

Performance-related pay is provided on top of basic salaries to award exceptional performance. Many of our people are eligible to receive performance-related bonuses through spot bonus plans designed to reward specific outstanding performance.

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Useful information

WPP Sustainability Report