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Statement Date Format
Third Quarter Trading Update October 2010 Press release 5  (html 5) | (pdf 5)
Analyst presentation 5 (pdf)
Interim Results 2010 August 2010 Press release 4 (html 4) | (pdf 4)
Press release tables 4 (pdf)
Analyst presentation 4 (pdf)
Five Month Trading Update and Annual General Meeting 2010 June 2010 Press release (html 3) | (pdf 3)
AGM proxy voting report 3 (pdf)
AGM resolutions3 (pdf)
WPP CEO presentation 3 (pdf)
AGM webcast 3 (video, Presentations from WPP chairman Phil Lader, WPP CEO Martin Sorrell, CEOs of JWT, Ogilvy, Y&R, Grey)
First Quarter Trading Update 2010 April 2010 Press release (html 2) | (pdf 2)
Press release tables 2 (pdf)
Analyst presentation 2 (pdf)
Preliminary 2009 Year-End Results March 2010 Press release (html 1) | (pdf 1)
Press release tables 1 (pdf)
Analyst presentation 1 (pdf)
WPP Digital Overview presentation 1 (pdf)

(1) Preliminary Year-End Results
(2) First Quarter Trading Update
(3) Five Month Trading Update and Annual General Meeting
(4) Interim Results 2010
(5) Third Quarter Trading Update

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