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Ordinary and ADR share owners have received the following dividends in respect of each financial year.

Ordinary share owners have received the following dividends in respect of each financial year:

In £ sterling 2017
 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Interim 1  22.70p  19.55p  15.91p  11.62p 10.56p 8.80p 7.46p 5.97p 5.19p
Final 2  37.30p*  37.05p  28.78p  26.58p 23.65p 19.71p 17.14p 11.82p 10.28p
Total  60.00p  56.60p  44.69p  38.20p 34.21p 28.51p 24.60p 17.79p 15.47p

*The record date for the 2017 final dividend is 15 June 2018, payable on 9 July 2018.

Dividends per ADR, including UK tax refunds but before US tax credits, in respect of each financial year are set out below:

In US dollars3 2017
 2016  2015 2014
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Interim 1  145.31¢  132.42¢  121.62¢  95.72¢ 82.61¢ 69.75¢ 59.80¢ 46.15¢ 40.66¢
Final 2
 240.34¢  250.96¢  219.99¢  218.95¢ 185.01¢ 156.22¢ 137.39¢ 91.37¢ 80.53¢
Total  385.65¢  383.38¢  341.61¢  314.67¢ 267.62¢
225.97¢ 197.19¢ 137.52¢ 121.18¢

1 Prior to 2013, first interim dividend.
2 Prior to 2012, second interim dividend.
3 These figures have been translated for convenience purposes only, using the approximate average rate for the year shown on page 239 of the WPP Annual Report & Accounts 2016. This conversion should not be construed as a representation that the pound sterling amounts actually represent, or could be converted into, US dollars at the rates indicated.

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