Share owner FAQs
Below are a collection of questions frequently asked by our share owners.
What does 'WPP' stand for?
'WPP' stands for 'Wire and Plastic Products', a UK manufacturer of wire baskets in which Martin Sorrell invested following his search for a public entity through which to build a worldwide marketing services company.
Who owns WPP?
WPP is a public company, listed in New York and London, with its main share owners based in the US and the UK.
To whom should shareholders direct share administration questions?
We recommend you discuss share-owning issues with our Registrars in the UK and USA:
When does WPP pay dividends?
dividends are paid in July and in November to share owners.
How do I reclaim tax on dividends?
UK Taxation (see
Tax information)
Does WPP have a Dividend Reinvestment Programme?
Not formally, but we suggest you contact your UK or US Registrar to see what services they have
In the UK, what are the capital gains implications of holding WPP shares?
The market value of an ordinary share at 31 March 1982 was 39p. Since that date rights issues have occurred in September 1986, August 1987 and April 1993. For capital gains tax purposes the acquisition cost of ordinary shares is adjusted to take account of such rights issues. Since any adjustments will depend on individual circumstances, share owners are advised to consult their professional advisers.
What is WPP's financial year, and when does it report its results?
WPP's financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December. Its full-year results are announced February/March. For further details, please see our
When and where is WPP's Annual Share owner/General Meeting?
WPP's AGM takes place in London in June. You will be informed of the precise date closer to the event. If you are abroad, or cannot attend, increasingly you will be able to attend this event virtually via an internet webcast.
On what stock exchanges is WPP listed?
WPP has primary listings on the London Stock Exchange and on NYSE.
What is the share symbol for WPP?
In London, the share symbol is WPP; on NYSE WPP. On November 28, 2017 WPP American Depositary Shares (ADSs) began trading on the NYSE under the new ticker ‘WPP’.
What is WPP's official accounting currency?
WPP reports in pounds sterling.