WPPedCream 2015
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Every year, a few million more words seem to be written on the subject of creativity - and still creativity defies analysis. No definition of creativity has yet to be universally accepted - and nor will one ever be. The frustrating, intriguing truth about creativity is this: it can be recognised and celebrated only through the individual artefacts that creativity makes possible. We may appreciate a thousand different examples of creativity – yet be totally unable to work out what they have in common.

Those of us in the field of marketing communications work to an additional discipline. The only creativity of value to our clients is applied creativity. Nothing we invent on behalf of our clients is an end in itself. Everything we do is done for a purpose; to achieve an agreed and often measurable objective. 

I hope that the examples of our work seen here will give you immediate pleasure; that you’ll find they look and feel ‘creative’. But I also ask you to look below the surface and detect their utterly functional purpose – because they’re all impressive examples of creativity made to work. 

For the fifth consecutive year, WPP companies have been named the most creative at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. 

They are: and I’m intensely proud of them.

About WPP

WPP is the world's largest communications services group with billings of US$76 billion and revenues of US$19 billion.

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Through its operating companies, the Group provides a comprehensive range of advertising and marketing services including advertising & media investment management; data investment management; public relations & public affairs; branding & identity; healthcare communications; direct, digital, promotion & relationship marketing and specialist communications. The company employs over 190,000 people (including associates and investments) in over 3,000 offices across 112 countries. For more information, visit www.wpp.com.

WPP was named Holding Company of the Year at the 2015 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for the fifth year running. WPP was also named, for the fourth consecutive year, the World's Most Effective Holding Company in the 2015 Effie Effectiveness Index, which recognizes the effectiveness of marketing communications.