"So, can we win again in Cannes next year? Well, if WPPED Cream is anything to go by, I think the answer is an emphatic yes!” That was actually the final sentence of my introduction to the advertising section of WPPED Cream 2014. You may remember that, having won the Holding Company prize for the fourth time at Cannes, I was conscious that our margin of victory was very much smaller than it had been in previous years. I urged everyone not to let that four-in-a-row winning streak breed any complacency. Our opposition, after all, isn’t getting any weaker! I am therefore delighted that so much of the fantastic work you will find here contributed to our biggest ever winning margin, just a few short months ago, making it, for the non mathematicians among you, five on the bounce or, as one wag put it, “the Cannes-tuple!”
Our WPPED Cream Advertising Crème de la Crème - Volvo LifePaint – was one of the most awarded pieces of work in the entire Cannes festival.
I should add that the calibre of work this year, and indeed over recent years, has also led to WPP being honoured, for the fourth time in a row, as the most effective Holding Company at the equally important Global Effie Awards as well. Creativity and effectiveness are indeed in lock step as we have always argued.