WPPedCream 2015

The move from rational engagement to emotional engagement has never been more evident than in this year’s winners. Seven out of the 10 are either charities or brands that want to make the world a better place. As brands and consumers play a more equal part in furthering a brand’s cultural currency, it’s no surprise that more of the work is seeking to engage customers on wider social issues.

But, like Cannes, we wanted to give the top honour to work that didn’t have the inherent advantage of an emotive subject. Although that certainly narrowed the field, Volvo ‘Interception’ is still a most worthy winner. Fighting the big boys’ billions with intelligence and wit. You cheeky buggers…love it.

Our thanks to Dave Monk at Grey London who spent so much of his valuable time helping us to judge such a great section. And well done to all the winners. WPP is unbeaten yet again. We’re pretty bloody good aren’t we?