As was noted last year, the scope of our Digital category continues to expand as consumers show an almost insatiable appetite for every kind of content, apps, devices, wearables, tools, innovation and all things social.
2015’s brilliant work is potent and fluid across a wide range of channels and mediums, as great ideas are wont to be. This WPPED Cream creative category represents a broad swath of clients, brands, populations and budgets – proving once again that a compelling idea can come from anywhere in any circumstance. (In other words, there’s no excuse left for not delivering greatness in Digital.)
Our Crème de la Crème winner, RKCR/Y&R‘s “Every Man Remembered” for the Royal British Legion, was chosen because of its bold creative idea that uses “digital” to powerfully grab us with a stunning pop culture hook and then deliver a powerful historic punch of perspective and pathos. Our jury loves that it leverages data (governmental, historic and current) in such an extraordinary manner. Frankly, we’d love to look under the hood and see exactly how they pulled it off! Hats off to these digital provocateurs, we all wish we’d had a hand in that work. Congratulations!
A very special thank you to the Digital jury, each of whom is as insightful and kind as they are provocative and talented: Sung Chang (AKQA), Renee McKeon (Bottle Rocket), Lucas Peon (POSSIBLE) and Anna Karena (Wunderman). I wish I had more room here for their fantastic commentary on all the work.