The Brand Bubble: The Looming Crisis in Brand Value and How to Avoid It

By John Gerzema and Ed LeBar
Publisher: Wiley & Sons, 2008
#3 Best Business Book for 2008 By Amazon's editors
#12 on Business Week's Best Seller List
Advertising Age List Of Tens: Books You Should Have Read"
A wake-up call for marketers."
- Harvard Business Review
This book thoroughly explains how the forces of social media and consumer power are reshaping the meaning and value of brands."
- Chris DeWolfe, Co-Founder and CEO MySpace
Your company's stock price depends on the value of your brand. So if consumers aren't valuing it as much as financial markets, the future of your company could be in for big trouble. You could be the victim of a "brand bubble".
John Gerzema, Chief Insights Officer at Young & Rubicam Group, discusses measuring the "brand bubble" looming on Wall Street at the Seventh Annual Marketing Forum hosted by The Economist in San Francisco
Customer surveys show that the number of high-performance value-creating brands is diminishing across the board. Yet at the same time, businesses and financial markets keep raising brand valuations. The result? A brand bubble that could erase large portions of intangible value in your company and send another shockwave through the global economy.
Drawing on a detailed analysis of a decade's worth of brand and financial data from Young and Rubicam's BrandAsset® Valuator, the largest brand database in the world, authors John Gerzema and Ed Lebar lay out credible evidence that business thinks brands are worth more than the consumers who buy them. Given that one third of all shareholder value is brand value, this growing disconnect should be of urgent concern to CEOs, marketers, analysts and investors.
The Brand Bubble provides both analysis and solution.
The first half of the book reveals the surprising findings from extensive data. The authors' research not only uncovered the brand bubble, they discovered how companies can raise the value of their brand with the one factor that today's consumers respond to: energized differentiation, a brand's questing spirit for continuous evolution. Brands with this quality have proven to be irresistible to consumers and have higher valuations than other brands.
In the second half, the authors guide the reader through a five-stage process for reorganizing your company around your brand and raising its value in the eyes of both consumers and financial markets. Through interviews, data, and fascinating case studies of today's most vibrant brands, Gerzema and Lebar demonstrate that marketing is now a responsibility that lies everywhere within the organization - and key to ensuring sustainable, profitable brand performance.