Go Logo! 12 Keys to Designing Successful Global Brands
By Mac Cato

Leading neuroscientists now believe that 90 percent of all human decisions are emotionally based, and made below the level of consciousness. Because the initial triggers for decision making are sensual, and most often visual, a key priority of
Go Logo! A Handbook to the Art of Global Branding (Rockport Publishers, March 2010) is to examine how best to establish the key emotional attributes of a brand-the critical first analysis so necessary to successfully creating a strong brand with staying power.
Go Logo! Provides both creatives and brand custodians a diagnostic anaylsis of, and a guideline to, the 12 prerequisties for establishing a brand’s emotional benchmarks. Perhaps most persuasively, Cato offers an extensive and eclectic collection of visual profiles of some of the world’s most successful logos and brand identities. He bases his book on his 50 years of global creative branding experience, plus the personal insights and creative examples provided by a diverse group of contributors. So, have fun, Go Logo!
Mac Cato founded Cato Johnson (now
Wunderman) which was later merged into
Young & Rubicam. He then started Cato Gobe in New York, in 1985, with Joel Desgrippes in Paris, and focused on development of the Emotional Branding concept. Throughout his long career, Cato has been an active innovator in his brand consulting programs with many of the world’s leading branded businesses, including Mercedes, Ford, General Foods, Nestle, Coke, Nabisco, American Express, Heineken, The Limited, Avon, Elizabeth Arden,Victoria’s Secret, and Brookstone.