Personality not included:
Why Companies Lose Authenticity and How Great Brands Get it Back

Rohit Bhargava
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Official Book Website
Find a way to humanize your brand, use your personality, and take your brand from good to great. The first step is to believe that personality matters. The second is to read this book."
- Guy Kawasaki
In his new book, PERSONALITY NOT INCLUDED: Why Companies Lose Authenticity and How Great Brands Get it Back (McGraw Hill; March 28, 2008), marketing expert, award winning blogger and social media guru Rohit Bhargava explains how faceless companies do not work in today's environment. In a world where consumers have more access to information than ever, and more power to share their voice, a brand's identity is no longer controlled through marketing and advertising. In this new era, what you demonstrate to your customers matters most. This is the power of your personality.
Packed with more than 100 insightful examples and real-world case studies including brands such as Intel, Virgin America, Boeing, Microsoft, Google, and many more, PERSONALITY NOT INCLUDED takes a storytelling approach to sharing insights such as:
- Dispelling the myth that only large companies are faceless
- Introducing the real secret to building a personality
- Depicting how social media is changing the way organizations communicate
- Revealing the secrets and tricks for positioning brands through social media
- Offering practical step-by-step implementation strategies that allow you to effectively turn an idea into action
PERSONALITY NOT INCLUDED is different from other business books because it goes from theory to action. The book does not just present readers with a good theory and leave them alone to work out how to apply it to their business. Instead, the second half is full of action guides, thought starters and practical advice as a handbook to get readers started with giving their organization personality right away.
Additionally, the book has a large online component to the book as well, including hidden URLs for secret content, a blog called Personality Matters, free downloadable bonus content, a "Making Of" gallery, and The Personality Project - a site featuring 100 contributions from visionary minds including best selling authors, artists, filmmakers and others - all demonstrating why personality matters in their business.