Customer Churn Reduction and Retention for Telecoms: Models for All Marketers

By Arthur Middleton Hughes
Publisher: Racom Books/Racom Communications
Arthur Hughes has written several groundbreaking works on how to retain customers. Now he has done one for the high-churn telecom business. First he describes the problems faced by the telcos, then offers solutions. His antidote to increasing commodization? Analytics. Every marketer should read it."
- Ray Schultz, Editorial Director, Direct.
For the past quarter-century the Telecom industry in the US has been a veritable laboratory of business and marketing practice.
The truth of such well-known ideas as Creative Destruction are being borne out as companies rise and fall in wave after wave of innovation, while the limits of others, such as product bundling, are also demonstrated every day. The result has been a Wild West of marketing activity that only intensifies as the changes continue. Cable TV companies are offering broadband and phone service. Phone companies are offering broadband, television, and movies. Electric utilities may be offering all of these services soon. Satellite TV companies are in trouble. Wireless companies are stealing landline subscribers and may be offering TV. Verizon is trying to win by laying fiber to three million homes per year. AT&T is spending billions to solve exactly the same problem using DSL. Meanwhile Skype and other independents are offering almost free worldwide phone and picture phone service. Intense competition is forcing prices down and will certainly eventually lead to the destruction of several large household-word telecom companies. Who will survive?
Industry expert Arthur Middleton Hughes explains what these Telecom enterprises can do to continue to exist. Their salvation rests not in their technologies, Hughes explains, but in their marketing strategies. In highly readable, everyday language, Hughes provides a strategic marketing map for every player in the industry, showing how to apply sophisticated marketing tools to each industry sector and each technology. Key subjects covered include: 1. Customer churn reduction strategies 2. How to predict what subscribers will do 3. Customer lifetime value and segmentation 4. How mass marketing is threatened by Internet television 5. How real is the risk from Internet phone calls 6. How WiFi and WiMAX may make phone wires obsolete 7. Why the Triple Play may not be a winner 8. Why HDTV may determine the winners in the Telecom battle 9. What Telecoms of the future will look like 10. Strategic hot buttons for future marketing activities.
If you are in Telecom, the marketing insights here could make this your survival manual. If not, you still will find invaluable insights to talor to your company s marketing strategies and programs. There are lessons here for marketers and business leaders in every industry.