Brands in the Balance
For consumers, being green is not a fad, but a seismic, long-term shift in self-definition and behavior.
For the last two years, Landor Associates' ImagePower Green Brands Survey has examined changing consumer perceptions of environmentally conscious brands.
The most significant and surprising change is in consumers' definition of themselves as green. In 2006, fewer than one-third of consumers considered themselves to be green or expressed interest in green brands. In 2007, every consumer we surveyed self-identified as green to some extent.
In addition, more than one-third of the consumers identified themselves as active greens, meaning that they do everything they can to reduce their impact on the environment. For these consumers, green translates into every aspect of their lives.
Based on these emerging consumer expectations, Landor created a Green Brands Framework to help marketers manage brands in light of this shift in green perceptions.
Our framework is built on two key questions:
- Do consumers perceive your category to be green?
- Is there already a green brand leader in your category?
Through this framework, a brand can identify its position and determine the proper response to succeed in the evolving world of green. A closer examination of the characteristics of each of the following four scenarios can provide insight into what to do in the dynamics in your own category.
Download the full report (pdf)