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Public Relations Is Changing
You've probably heard about it. It goes something like this: The consumer is in charge. Trust in media falls. Trust in word of mouth rises. Now there's traditional media, new media and consumer-generated media. Media explodes. Every day, 50,000 blogs are created and social networks connect millions from China to Charing Cross. People are watching less TV. Reading fewer newspapers. And Internet usage grows. Now there are traditional influencers and new influencers. One's a business leader in NYC. The other is a momblogger in New Mexico. Conversation is more important than messaging. And search engines change the game.
Hype or Truth? The truth is that our definition of "media" has exploded. Our idea of "influencers" has expanded. And effective communications has as much to do with building relationships through conversations and word of mouth as it does with marketing campaigns and message delivery.
How do we create effective communications programs when peer-to-peer recommendations are the new form of "earned media"?