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JWT Identifies Key Trends That Will Drive Consumer Thinking and Behavior in the New Year

10 Trends for 2009 NEW YORK, December 03, 2008 - JWT, one of the world's largest advertising agencies, has released its fourth annual year-end forecast of key trends that will drive or significantly impact consumer behavior in the year ahead.

According to JWT, major trends for 2009 include the energy race, which will heat up as nations, corporations and research institutions compete to find cheaper, renewable and more eco-friendly energy sources; simple pleasures, which cash-strapped consumers will favor over extravagant indulgences; and a new "we over me" attitude toward addressing social problems.

"We believe it is essential, especially in a recession, to identify shifts in the global zeitgeist so as to covert them into compelling business opportunities," says Ann Mack, director of trendspotting at JWT. "Trendspotting allows us and our clients to stay ahead of the competition in understanding and acting on changing attitudes and behaviors and meeting consumers' emerging needs and wants."

Other key trends cited in the report "10 Trends for 2009" include:
  • Redistribution of Power: 2009 and beyond will see widespread power-structure shifts in the political, economic and social spheres.
  • The Mobile Device as the Everything Hub: As the availability of wireless broadband expands and the cost of advanced phones drops, the mobile device will become the preferred hub for digital communications.
  • The Small Movement: Everything is getting smaller, from stores to cars to mobile technology to packaged goods.
Among the trends JWT has forecast in previous years: "Blue is the new green," the environmental movement's shift to a more expansive focus on innovation and sustainability; "radical transparency," the "nothing to hide" ethos seen in some online behaviors; and "cooperative consumption," the increasingly popular practice of pooling resources to gain access to everything from art and private jets to designer handbags and jewelry.

"Ten Trends for 2009" is available at Additional research on includes "American Dream in the Balance," a quantitative analysis based on a survey of 2,000-plus respondents that assesses perspectives on the American Dream; "Millennials at Work," a report on twentysomething consumers in the U.S. and

U.K.; "The Atalanta," a nine-country quantitative analysis of twentysomething single women; and trendletters covering topics including mobility, gaming, retail and technology.

To purchase 10 Trends For 2009, visit JWT Intelligence.

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Alyson Valpone
Department of Communications